
You know that unsettling feeling when you are in a situation that you want so badly to change….


What would happen if you found a way to fully accept whatever that is?

As I taught a yoga class the other night I saw a woman get so frustrated with herself because she couldn’t physically get all the way into a pose. She was huffing and puffing and her face was scrunched up like she just put a bitter lemon in her mouth.

It was so hard to watch. If she accepted where her body was in that moment, she would have felt so much better.


When we let go of the things we can’t change, we also let go of frustration and tension.

We gain power.


We are much better off creating a space of full acceptance than running around trying to change everything or pushing our bodies into positions that can leave us injured.


Acceptance is freeing. It’s a state of liberation where things no longer feel stiff or rigid.

When we let things be….

That is full acceptance.


