Holy Shit, I’m Getting Old.

As I’m a  few days away from my 27th Birthday, a lot of thinking has been going on. A lot of “Holy shit, I’m getting old.” but also a state of peace as I’m excited where my life is headed. For the first time in years, I am beginning to feel a little bit rooted and grounded. Less like a gypsy and a bit more content with where I live, and what I’ve been up to lately. I’m feeling more comfortable just being me, and not worrying so much about getting approval from those around me. If I’ve learned one thing over the 27 years of life, it is that you have to follow your own heart and intuition without letting others cloud your vision. It’s okay to consider what other people think you should or shouldn’t do. It’s great to listen and consider advice and knowledge others have to offer, but at the end of the day you have do really do what makes you happy.
